Cheap Flights from Houston to La Baie

Search cheapest Tickets from Houston to La Baie and compare prices

We are looking for cheap Flights from Houston to La Baie during the month. If you are looking for specific dates, please use the search widget above.

Cheap Flight routes

Price from Airline
Houston La Baie
$ 751
United Airlines
Houston La Baie
$ 823
Air Canada
Houston La Baie
$ 1123
Air Canada

Cheap finded tickets

Our website will find you the cheapest Flights from Houston to La Baie! We compare the prices of almost 1000 airlines, 50 agencies, 10 booking systems where you can buy tickets from Houston to La Baie!

Departure date Price Site
December 4, 2024 Houston La Baie
$ 529
August 13, 2024 Houston La Baie
$ 576
December 5, 2024 Houston La Baie
$ 868
December 25, 2024 Houston La Baie
$ 988

* Prices for Houston - La Baie tickets found by our users in the last 48 hours are not an offer.

General information about the Flight Houston - La Baie

  • The distance between Houston and La Baie is: 1 802 ml
  • Minimum ticket price for Houston - La Baie: $ 529
  • Average ticket price for Houston - La Baie: $ 808
  • Maximal ticket price for Houston - La Baie: $ 1123
  • Minimal Flight time from Houston to La Baie: 16 hr 42 mn
  • Average Flight time from Houston to La Baie: 16 hr 51 mn
  • Maximal Flight time from Houston to La Baie: 17 hr 16 mn

Last Houston - La Baie ticket updates

Ticket data updated July 25, 2024
7:04 AM
Route data updated July 23, 2024
3:13 AM
Nearest tickets updated September 30, 2021
12:13 PM

The fastest Flight from Houston to La Baie

The fastest Flight from Houston to La Baie takes 16 hr 42 mn. A ticket for the fastest Flight from Houston to La Baie will cost 529 USD. We recommend that you buy the fastest ticket for the Houston - La Baie Flight in advance to fly as quickly as possible on site !

The cheapest Flight from Houston to La Baie

The cheapest Flight from Houston to La Baie takes 16 hr 42 mn. A ticket for the cheapest Flight from Houston to La Baie will cost 529 USD. We recommend that you buy the cheapest ticket for the Houston - La Baie Flight in advance to fly as quickly as possible on site !